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Writer's pictureAPS, Inc.

The Alabama Paleontological Society Field Trip Blog

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

Welcome to the Alabama Paleontological Society Field Trip Blog members and visitors! It is here we will document the society's field trips with a member account and pictures of what went on in the field that particular day. Here are a few pictures of sites the society visits each year most within the State of Alabama. So stay tuned for exciting field trips and reports coming from the field!

I am unable to go on most of the APS field trips and will need a volunteer or volunteers who go on our monthly field trips to write about that trip for our field trip blog. I will need a landscape picture of the site and several pictures of the members participating in the field (landscape shot preferably) and several pictures of the finds for that day. The write-up for the blog can be a short 1-minute read (with some editing) describing the day, the fun, the awesomeness of the site and number of folks who participated...just an approximate number will do. You can make it a personal experience seen from your eyes and will be credited for the write-up.

Please email all pictures as high resolution jpegs. Blog write-ups can be emailed or setup in a Word document. Please identify each picture or write-ups in subject box on the email, so I can place into appropriate files. Email files to:

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