In April, the APS was able to visit a fabulous quarry in north Alabama featuring the Bangor Limestone. Our participants lined-up ready to race to the site. Prior to the checkered flag however we received a safety briefing and an escort. It was a tremendous day weather-wise and fossil-wise. The pictures below are the collecting area sitting high above the active quarry floor; these tailings were packed with Mississippian age vertebrate and invertebrate marine fossils.
After just a few hours everyone had nice collections of fossils including Crinoid Calices, Pentremites Blastoids, Bryozoans, Corals, "Shark" Teeth, and other items. Some individual fossils to follow:
Blastoids (Pentremites):


Trilobite Pygidium:

Shark Teeth (e.g. Petalodus and Psammodus) - The preservation of many of the teeth was absolutely incredible!:
Below are a couple member collections of loose fossils found in the shale material intermixed with the limestone blocks in the tailing. These pictures are after a little cleaning with a toothbrush and water.
This was a great day filled with incredible fossils and spent with great individuals; we are looking forward to our May field trip. Until then, we hope all our members are well and hope that if this seems like something you might be interested in please consider joining the APS.
Written by Jim Braswell, President of the APS