We took advantage of a terrific October day to visit a terrific site representing a near shore Cretaceous marine environment near Montgomery, AL. Due to sketchy weather in September, this trip was rescheduled multiple times. Once we were able to go the weather was perfect and the water was very low and the fossils were everywhere.

This site produces a wide range of fossils from echinoids to shark teeth and all kinds of things in between. On this visit the shark teeth were quite abundant as were the echinoids. We also found mollusks, fish vertebra and teeth, ammonite bits, and a few ray teeth. Below are several members finds.
The teeth from this site can be quite small as can be seen in this next group from the day. Note the cm scale along the right edge of the picture.

It was a great day even if it was a long time coming! Hope to see everyone out in the field on our November trip.