Field-Trip Guidebook to the Steven C. Minkin
Footprint Site, Walker County, Alabama

In 2012 Ron Buta and David Kopaska-Merkel put together
a visitor’s guidebook for the Union Chapel Mine/Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic Footprint Site to help understand the geologic context and nature of the fossils that can be found there. This guidebook has original artwork depicting some of the ancient invertebrates and vertebrates whose tracks can be found in the shales there.
Link: Minkin Field Trip Guide

Field Trip Statement and Contacts
APS conducts monthly field trips to fossil localities in Alabama and surrounding states strictly with permission of landowners (please refer to our Ethical Statement for further details). In accordance with our Statement of Purpose, we frequently make educational presentations to schools and public gatherings on subjects related to paleontology. Field trip participation is generally limited to members but individuals interested in coming on a field trip as a guest with an eye towards membership should contact APS
Field Trip Coordinator Ashley Allen (alabamapaleo@gmail.com) or
Vice President Prescott Atkinson (patkinson@peds.uab.edu)
We have also hosted classes ranging from upper elementary school grades to college geology groups and other groups with an interest in geology and paleontology on select field trips.